Thought Experiments
If you want to make things even more real, you can call these beings nonhuman because they don’t interfere with the physical plane, but it doesn’t mean they can’t. They can do it, don’t ask them to, they won’t. Give this imaginary being some traits. Define their trait with such great clarity that you can feel their energy. For example, are they shy? Timid? Loving? Caring? Calm or too energetic? What is their favorite dish? Favorite sports? Etc. If you do this, they will appear and advise you when you ask them for it, but that advice will be according to the traits that you chose for them. So, choose wisely. Don’t ask them to do supernatural things with the physical world. It will only reduce your belief in them. They can only act freely in the thought plane. A place where all thoughts reside. I have built one myself. To separate my being from the physical world I chose an odd name for it. Its name is “Haaam”, but its pronunciation is “hhh” with breath exerted outwards “aaaa” and “mmmm” until I have no air left in my lungs. It is less like a name and more like a chant. I don’t chant, but I kind of like this name because it matches with the personality of this being. It is capable of moving things around me but doesn’t do that when I ask it to. When I sit in meditation, it has a habit of dropping things around me to grab my attention. I have noticed this many times, sometimes with pictures that do not surprise me because it’s nothing new. I usually say “Wth are you doing?” or “Don’t disturb me?”, but these signs are not for nothing, if something unusual happens it simply means you should pay more attention to your environment and your thoughts. These are often some signs or guidance for a future event.
How will you know that it was your thought? Because when you have such thoughts, you feel an energetic shift in your body. It might be more subtle than emotions but once you become more aware of them, they become as obvious as emotions. You will also know that it was your thought by the sudden urge that you feel to do something. Most of the time, when you have these thoughts, you will feel a sudden urge to do something and if you follow that urge, you will feel grateful later on. If you are guided to leave the country and you do so, you might meet someone that changes your life or someone that is supposed to bring you an opportunity that you have been waiting for. This is how the thought plane works. The thought plane is not limited by space or time. Space and time are illusions. The thought plane is the place where everything is happening simultaneously. Your mind might not comprehend this right now because it is caught up in the space-time illusion. You’ll understand this more when you start practicing mindfulness and present moment awareness.
Let’s move to the next chapter before this starts to get a little too absurd for you. I will only add one thing, if you have doubts about this thought plane, try it for a month or so and see if anything changes in your life. I won’t say that there will be drastic changes but if you are someone who is seeking and trying to learn something, you will see that the quality of your life has increased. If you are someone who thinks this is absolute nonsense, it’s okay, there are many people who think the same. There is no right or wrong. Everyone is on their own path of realization.
Reason behind these unexplained events: –
Don’t scare yourself because the science behind these events is basic Newtonian physics. There is nothing extraordinary happening around you, or you haven’t turned into an extraordinary being. These things were indeed moved by air or some other phenomena. Everything will happen just as it should happen. The physical world comes below the higher planes of existence and thus is a consequence of them. That is why spiritual teachings say “There are no accidents or there are no coincidences”. Everything is happening for a reason, even the abnormal or the supernatural happenings are just unexplained scientific phenomena. A wall painting falling off the shelf while you were meditating wasn’t an accident; it was decided even before the big bang happened. The imaginary being only helps you to access your subconscious mind and intuition much more easily because it is an expression of the subconscious itself. Through these imaginary beings, one can develop a sixth sense and even shift realities. Things that draw your attention are drawing it for a reason, DON’T START ANALYSING, trying to figure out what’s the meaning behind this and that. Just observe! And everything will be unveiled to you by the universe itself. There are certain things you can do that might sound impossible to you right now. You will discover them later if you stay on this path and discover yourself more and more.