The Secret Path to Supernatural

RED ENERGY POINT – Root chakra or Muladhara.

(Kundalini at the base of the spine, coiled around Shiva. Kundalini is energy that manifests around you in physical form, constructing your reality the way it is, and Shiva is pure consciousness that is there to witness Kundalini. They cannot exist without one another.) This energy point deals with survival and is blocked by fear; it is associated with “Earth.” Every chakra has different growth states. Muladhara’s ultimate possibility is to be focused totally on the divine path. The divine path means to be focused towards enlightenment. Most people usually get stuck in resisting the natural urges. Natural urges are always given to you by nature. It is the base state of Muladhara. The resistance manifests in most people as self-control. If there is control, a time will come when there will be no control. If you focus on control, things will become harder and harder day by day. NEVER FIGHT OF NEGATIVES, FOCUS ON ACHIEVING THE DESIRED ULTIMATE STATES OF ALL CHAKRAS.

The second you start a fight against bad or undesirable things in your life, you have already lost and been overtaken by them. If your energies are dominant in the Muladhara, the most valuable thing to you would be sleep, food, and shelter. Things that are necessary for survival. Even the taste of food will not bother you; you’d just want to eat more and more like a pig. Notice that we human beings have a wide spectrum of subtle emotional states. We humans feel uncertain in new environments; that is also the work of this chakra. Muladhara means (mul – “mool” which means root, adhara – “Aadhaar” means foundation.) Muladhara is the seat of existence where kundalini (a feminine energy) resides. This energy is usually dormant in most people and must be kept dormant unless one seeks to “experience samadhi” as a basis for future growth.

Kundalini is very fierce and must be either awakened slowly through yoga or can be awakened by a guru using shakti pat immediately, which would violently pierce through all the energy points or chakras like a snake. This kundalini energy, when it expands into pure consciousness, takes one to a state of samadhi (absorption or a sense of oneness (enlightenment)). There are 112 energy points, and so are 112 types of samadhis. You might ask, shouldn’t kundalini travel all the way to the top to the purple point to meet pure consciousness? No, just like kundalini, which is a type of force, the pure consciousness is like a force that can enter one’s body through the purple energy point downwards. Once one has developed enough energy control, one can choose where the meeting of pure consciousness and kundalini happens. Wherever it happens, it creates the samadhi that resembles that chakra or energy point. If it happens in the “green point,” you will feel infinite love; if it happens in the “dark blue point,” you will realize that everything is one; if it happens in the “light blue point,” you will realize your infinite potential, etc. You don’t have to awaken kundalini to achieve what you seek.

Right now, our intention is to clear the creek, not energize it with kundalini. Don’t even Google how to awaken kundalini. Kundalini is very potent and must be worked upon under the guidance of a guru. You don’t want to go crazy.

To conquer fears, one must use visualization or engage in acts of courage. Ensure that the physical body is safe, and face the fear head-on emotionally. People usually try to evade fear, which makes them react and potentially makes them fearful of the fear itself. When you face the fear, do not let it go; letting it go in this context would mean that you simply dismissed it. You have to face it head-on.

What is your fear? It can be anything, be it the fear of being seen naked in public, fear of public speaking, fear of rejection, fear of shame, fear of success, fear of failure, fear of death, fear of grief or loss of a loved one, fear of loss of love, fear of being cheated on, fear of suffering or pain, fear of being abandoned, fear of not getting things done in time, fear of spiders, fear of the monster living under your bed, fear of toenail getting tucked while you are sleeping, fear of getting sawed from behind the knee, etc. Notice that these fears are not physical; they exist inside you.

When you face these fears head-on, you will literally feel like you are going to die; you will have to stay with that feeling and create space for them to stay there forever. Once you succeed in making space within yourself to keep that fear, your consciousness will obliterate that fear. Consciousness is a very powerful tool. Nothing remains untouched in the light of consciousness.

Have you noticed that if you keep a fear of something, that fear comes to you in unexpected ways? That’s because the universe is trying to say, “See? It didn’t kill you; you are just not winning, son.” Keeping consciousness at one thing unwaveringly for a certain amount of time will literally start to bring that thing closer to you in physical reality! This is based on a fundamental law of the universe, just like gravity, but comprehending this now will be quite impossible and unnecessary because it is necessary to harness this frightening power before you employ it.

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