The Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics

Quantum physics and the law of attraction:

There has been a lot of talk going about the law of attraction and how it governs the rules of quantum physics.

We’ve noticed quite a lot of similarities between them, but most experts don’t clearly explain and often use terms like “multiple universes” and “quantum fields” in a broad sense (and sometimes in places where the terms lose their meaning).

I wanted to know if it is really so, or if the law of attraction is totally a distinct phenomenon. So I took this research project. What I’ve come up with would freak you out for real. At least, that’s what I did.

We’ll dig deep into the technical details of the law of attraction and find whether it really connects to quantum physics. Or not.

So, what is quantum physics?

Defining Quantum Physics
Quantum physics is the science of tiny particles. Very tiny particles behave differently from big particles. These tiny particles are called sub-atomic particles.

As an analogy, think of the properties of water. If you throw a bucket of water, the water splashes everywhere.

On the other hand, small drops of water remain intact on the floor from surface tension. The smaller the drop of water gets, the more spherical it becomes. Similarly, think of planets. Our planet revolves around the sun because it gets influenced by the sun’s immense gravity. But on a smaller scale, the force of gravity reduces so much that we don’t even feel it from our surroundings.

Tell me, what do you understand from this?

As we go smaller and smaller up to the scale of sub-atomic particles, the universal laws begin acting differently.

This change intrigues us because the properties of things no longer follow our understanding of classical mechanics. (For the science students, the Rutherford model becomes unstable).

Researchers and physicists have been living in denial of quantum mechanics because it disproves our constructed models of the universe.

Classical mechanics becomes a lie, though it remains useful.

Just Theories? (All applications originate from theories)

Currently, we have very little proof to claim something revolutionary in the field of science. Quantum mechanics is just a bunch of theories but, just like Rutherford’s model, these theories are also successfully applied in quantum computers.

From a quantum perspective, the four fundamental forces of the universe are not actually fundamental. These forces are termed quantum fields. These forces are not fundamental by themselves, and are merely projections of inertness or, you can say, they represent the quality-less-ness of nothingness.

Rutherford’s model

Classical physics says that the electrons do not collapse into the nucleus of the atom because of their kinetic energy. But if there was kinetic energy, then the electrons must have induced some sort of electromagnetic radiation, thereby dissipating energy. The time it would have taken for the electron to collapse into the nucleus would be 10 Pico-second.

Does this mean classical mechanics is totally wrong?

Partially. Electrons have a dual nature. Electrons behave like a cloud of waves when not being observed, and when being observed (through a measurement device) they behave like particles.

This is intriguing, but it is not as magical as it may sound to a student with a non-scientific background.

All measurements on the sub-atomic scale are approximations. Any sort of observation causes some alteration to the state of electrons. Erwin Schrödinger, an Irish physicist, developed an equation called Schrödinger wave function that helps us make many predictions.

Schrödinger’s thought experiment

Schrödinger also proposed a thought experiment to Einstein. He proposed, if we put a cat in a closed box with a closed system that releases a poisonous gas if an atom undergoes radioactive decay — There is exactly one in two chances that the atom will undergo decay, keeping all parameters affecting it in check (The decay of an atom is unpredictable or a truly random process). To know whether the cat will live or die would amplify micro results (the random process of the universe) into macro results (The cat living or dying). Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment

Quantum Entanglement (Similarity between the law of attraction & quantum physics)

Quantum entanglement is a theory that explores quantum fields. Two electrons do not have different wave functions, there is but ONE wave function of the entire universe! Everything in this universe, as matter, energy, etc, is entangled together.

The entanglement might be weak but it exists. Quantum fields are everywhere, even in empty space. In empty spaces, the quantum fields vibrate in a minimal state.

So, What determines how strong the entanglement is?

The entanglement’s strength between two points in space is inversely proportional to the distance and the magnitude of energy. This means, the further the distance, the weaker the entanglement. And the greater the energy, the weaker the entanglement.

Therefore, entanglement between empty spaces is highest. Two points in space are actually one.

The entanglement reduces with mass/energy. The greater the energy, the lesser entanglement between the two bodies. To make things more comprehensible, two objects, to be entangled together completely should have zero distance between them — Conclusively, making them one thing…

Or, interestingly, must have zero energy (Could it be consciousness?).

The Dilemma And its Solution

This is what the law of attraction is sticking to. It is not wrong from any perspective. Technically, from the perspective of the LOA community, they are right. From the perspective of quantum physicists, LOA experts are not wrong. That must’ve been the biggest facepalm you’ve ever had.

If there are exactly two potential outcomes, with a 50 percent probability each, to a “QUANTUM PHENOMENON“.

Then a quantum physics theory suggests that the universe will split into two parallel universes, each with a different outcomes.

For example, the two universes created from the cat experiment: one where the cat died and the other where it lived. As absurd as it may sound, it may be true in our current understanding of the universe.

There is also an explanation for how the energy remains conserved when this split happens. Although, that conservation only adds a new unknown variable to the equation.

Consciousness (The Law of Attraction Perspective)

When it comes to consciousness, its very definition is lack of definition. It just is. Consciousness is a subjective term. It just points at itself. From a rule-based scientific perspective, we can term it as an ability to respond, or as an ability to perceive and have sentience. However, science doesn’t have a definite answer to what consciousness is.

In esotericism, consciousness is defined as the observer. That which just observes and does nothing else. It is also a fact that a thing that observes can consume no energy.

Let’s put together both, quantum physics and metaphysics to relate law of attraction with quantum physics.

The quantum physics take

Quantum physics and the law of attraction are original concepts but apply the same principles.

As an analogy, humans have cyclical emotional patterns. If you introspect, you’ll notice that every 28 days, men and women both go through a cycle of emotions.

Similarly, the earth revolves around the sun in cycles, the way we breathe happens in cycles, our heartbeats in a cyclical fashion, seasons happen cyclically, the creation of the universe, and destruction happens in cycles (Theory).

Each one of these has a different reason behind its cyclical nature but they follow the same patterns regardless. The universal pattern is such that anything that is cyclical in nature becomes a never-ending loop until it is disrupted by an external force.

The law of attraction take

Why do some experts say that, when in a state of Shoonya (nothingness meditation), anything that you thought before tapping into the nothingness state manifests? This was taught to us by Swami Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda knew nothing of quantum physics. There are so many other pieces of evidence told to us by other gurus and enlightened beings of a state of mind which can manifest desires into reality.

And also that when there is no energy in the head when it’s empty, you tap into that state of entanglement with other quantum fields.

Maybe not quantum fields, but psychological fields.

Quantum physics and the law of attraction can only be linked if we assume that consciousness is that ingredient that has no energy, yet exists.

There are too many similarities between the principles described in both fields. We need some experiments and observations to understand this fully.

Conclusion (The Law of Attraction And Quantum Physics Are Similar)

Does quantum physics work? Perhaps it does work because it solves many quantum problems. Does the Law of Attraction work? Yes, it does work, and its principles of working just happen to be so ridiculously similar to quantum mechanical phenomena that the possibility of them being working on the same principle might be true. Can we prove anything? No. We can’t prove it at the moment. Though, we can create cohesive mathematical equations that work.