What is The Law of Attraction & How to Use it

The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a powerful concept that has gained widespread attention in recent years, promising to revolutionize our understanding of manifestation, wealth, and relationships.

At its core, the LOA suggests that our beliefs and mindset have the ability to attract and shape our reality, allowing us to bring our desires into existence.

By harnessing the power of attraction, we can transform our lives and experience growth in all areas, from our relationships and careers to our overall well-being. But how does it work, and what are the practical steps to apply this theory in our daily lives?

In this article, we’ll delve into the principles of the LOA, explore real-life examples, and provide actionable tips on how to use this powerful tool to manifest your desires and create the reality you’ve always wanted.

Why not all desires manifest?

Why Not All Desires Manifest Have you ever wondered why your daydreams of wealth and abundance don’t seem to translate into reality? The truth is, our minds are often in a state of turmoil, fixated on why we can’t have something rather than focusing on what we truly desire.

This is where the Law of Attraction (LOA) comes in – a powerful principle that teaches us to concentrate on what we DO want, rather than what we DON’T. To harness the full potential of the LOA, it’s essential to cultivate a positive mindset and attitude. By doing so, you’ll be able to attract wealth and manifestation into your life.

So, how can you make this a reality? Start by thinking about the specifics of what you want to manifest – how, why, when, and where you’ll attain it. Visualize every detail with clarity, and your thoughts will become a magnet for attraction. By adjusting your mindset and perception, you’ll transform your daily experiences, behaviours, and habits, unlocking your ability to shape your reality through the power of positive thinking and belief.

Remember, the LOA is not just a theory – it’s a tool for growth, and with the right attitude, you can tap into its limitless potential.

The 7 laws of attraction

To create a complete system of teaching, the law of attraction has been divided into 7 laws where each views law from a unique facet. Once you look at every facet, you understand it fully.

1. The law of manifestation

The concept of manifestation, central to the law of attraction (LOA), teaches us that our thoughts shape our reality. If you cultivate a mindset of wealth and abundance, you naturally attract these very things into your life. Nothing in this world happens by accident or coincidence; every event, every situation, is a manifestation of the thoughts that consistently occupy our minds.

But what about those who have endured incredible trauma or life situations that seem unimaginable? Are those experiences their own creation too? While they may not be our “conscious” creations, according to yoga, the subtle memories and karmic imprints from past lives influence the personality and experiences we have in this lifetime.

By practicing meditation and kriya yoga, we can develop the ability to liberate ourselves from the cycle of karma and rebirth, thus gaining greater control over the reality we manifest. Gratitude, belief, and intentional thinking are key to harnessing the power of the mind and using it to create the life we desire.

2. The law of magnetism

The law of magnetism, closely linked to the law of attraction (LOA), asserts that like attracts like. What you think about, you attract into your life. Some might argue that magnetism operates on the principle that opposites attract, but that’s a limited conceptual understanding. Even in the physical world, magnets are no exception to this universal law.

Consider relationships: while a woman may not typically be attracted to another woman, she is invariably drawn to the ideal partner she has conceived in her mind. This attraction is not about physical opposites but about the alignment of desires and beliefs. If you desire something, create a clear picture of it in your mind. Your thoughts and beliefs will begin to shape your reality, and you’ll start attracting that desire into your life.

3. The Law of Detachment

When you desire something, your natural inclination is to attract it into your life, and with the right mindset, you do. However, desperation often creeps in, clouding your thoughts and limiting your ability to manifest. The statement “I want it now” subtly implies “I can’t have it now,” reinforcing a limiting belief that hinders attraction.

Desperation and attachment stem from interactions with the external world. For example, you see a friend flaunt their new car, and suddenly, you desire an even costlier version. These desires, born from comparison and fleeting emotions, are often disingenuous and lack the staying power needed for true manifestation. Fleeting desires fail to manifest because they don’t hold your attention long enough to become reality.

The true power of the law of attraction (LOA) lies in detaching from external influences while focusing on the desires that come from within. By aligning your thoughts and beliefs with the reality you want—not what the world dictates—you create a powerful attraction force. Forget about the world’s noise, and channel all your energy into manifesting what you truly desire, regardless of what others may think or show.

4. The Law of Desire

Desire is a powerful force, pure and essential for manifesting anything into reality. In the realm of the law of attraction (LOA), it’s important to understand that the strongest desire always prevails, especially when conflicting desires arise. For instance, if you have a desire to be happier and healthier but your desire to stay on the couch and eat junk food is stronger, the latter will inevitably manifest in your reality.

To ensure that your desired goal triumphs, you need to align your mindset with it. Ask yourself why this desire is important to you. Strengthen your belief in it by surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals, or by engaging with content from those who have dedicated their lives to achieving similar goals. By reinforcing your thoughts and intentions with supportive relationships and consistent thinking, you can attract the reality you want and overcome any challenge that stands in your way.

5. The Law of Karma

According to Yoga, Karma isn’t a reward system. The word karma is synonymous with the word memory. And the connotation of this word suggests that everything that you do in the world, from sipping a cuppa to donating to the poor, creates Karma in you, which decides what you become in the future. The actions you take today, can make you a millionaire tomorrow or equally make you broke.

Even when you’re thinking about something, you’re creating Karma. Applying the visualization techniques, creating vision boards, practicing affirmations are also creating Karma that can make your future. Here are all the law of attraction techniques you can learn today!

6. The Law of Universal Influence

The whole universe has come into form through infinite intelligence. Your thoughts are the source of what you see and every individual thought resonates throughout the collective consciousness. Approaching this law with open-mindedness will put things in your favour. After practicing manifestation techniques, people notice that situations and events line up to their desire.

This happens because the whole concept of life and reality changes, when you apply the law. Your ability to turn concept into reality is phenomenal.

7. The Law of Synchronicity

The universe is perfect in all ways and everything in the world is interconnected. When you follow your heart and work on manifesting your desires into reality, the universe synchronizes to your actions and people and situations work to help serve your purpose. Every single person who has learnt the law of attraction often notices repeating numbers and coincidences for the same reason. It’s because your personal experience of the universe is synchronized with what you’re trying to manifest.

How to Use The law of attraction

You just have to visualize as if you already have what you want to manifest. Our thoughts permeate throughout the universe and crystallize into physical form. This happens because our thoughts and the universe are made from the same stuff — Energy. While some may question this law and even call it wishful thinking, you can always experiment with it and see for yourself whether it’s true or not. Here’s the science of how the law of attraction works.

Here’s my suggestion. Doubt and question every little aspect of this law, understand it, and learn why it works the way it does, but never create opinions about it. When you approach the law with an open mind and positive emotions, you reassure that you don’t fall into common pitfalls and apply it effectively!


I want you to relax for a moment. Forget about all your worries. Don’t think about things you don’t want, and imagine how you’d be if you had no limiting beliefs. This post has everything you need to succeed in every aspect of life.

If you want to manifest something using the power of the law of attraction you must see it in your mind as a living reality through visualization. For instance, let’s say you want to manifest a car using this power. Firstly, decide which car you want. See how its exterior and interior design is, so you can imagine it clearly in your mind (Google it or watch a car review). And now, imagine as if it’s already in your possession. Imagine that you have this car parked outside your house.

“See yourself in the driver seat, Feel its power, Listen to the sound it makes, Smell the Alcantara seat covers, Feel the textures of the steering wheel. Touch its logo and feel its shape. The shine, the color, the smoothness, the power you feel. Everything!”

Practice Gratitude to Make This Law Magical

Moreover, after you finish visualizing, be happy and grateful for the car you just received. Do everything that makes you happier, because you wouldn’t be sad if the car manifested, because emotions and thoughts are the most powerful tools on the planet. More importantly, steer away from toxic positivity. If you don’t feel happy now, do things that make you happy than “trying to feel happy now”. Happiness is a consequence of right action (Whether that action is mental or physical).

A single thought can lead to the destruction of humanity, or create a beauty like this universe. The atom bomb came into existence from a single thought. And so did the law of attraction!