The 3 6 9 Method for Manifestation

The 3 6 9 method is a popular law of attraction technique that gained traction on TikTok. Apparently, the technique helps people focus on a single desire and manifest it into their reality in a single day.

The effectiveness of this technique lies in the concept of written affirmations. You write a sentence or a paragraph, which is roughly 100 words long. Then you rewrite what you wrote 3 times in the morning, 6 times afternoon, and 9 times in the evening.

As we already know, beginners don’t know what exactly to do after learning about the law and how to approach it. So basically, this technique helps them set a definite practice which they can easily incorporate in their schedule. And this is where the magic happens.

Inspired action: Don’t do it because everyone else is doing it. Every single soul in this universe is different and carries and nurtures its unique seeds throughout the time and life it has taken up on this planet.

The 3 6 9 method, step by step

Step 1: Decide what you want.

  • Tip 1: As a beginner, start by manifesting one thing at a time.
    One who wants to manifest everything at once never manifests anything, because manifesting everything is similar to wanting everything.
  • Tip 2: Don’t get too excited around what you’re manifesting.
    The one who is excited about manifesting things manifests more exciting thoughts about manifestation. So, don’t waste your energy thinking about manifestation per se. Instead, focus on doing the practice whole-heartedly.

Note: Focusing on an affirmation for 17-seconds taps you into the flow state and makes you think progressive thoughts around that affirmation. This 17-second rule is stated by the LOA expert Abraham Hicks. Make your affirmation sentence 17-seconds long. Or make multiple affirmations that add up to reach the 17-seconds mark.

Take note of your desires and list out the limiting beliefs around that desire (on a different page). For instance, to manifest money, you ask:

  1. Do I really believe I can manifest it?
  2. Am I worthy?
  3. What am I going to lose if I manifest it? and so on.

Doing this puts out the whole map of your brain on paper, regarding the object you’re manifesting. So, once you write down your limiting beliefs with absolute authenticity, you can accept those beliefs and then start cancelling them out with opposite thoughts.

Step 2: Affirm three times in the morning.

In the morning, right before you get off your bed, write down the affirmations 3 times, and saturate your mind with similar thoughts. Visualize that you’ve already gotten it. Express your gratitude to the universe or God.

For example, if you want to manifest $500 today, close your eyes and watch 5 notes of 100 dollars in your mind. Then imagine that they are yours. Align your thoughts like you already got them.

Step 3: Affirm six times in the afternoon.

Keep your afternoon lunch as a cue for the 3 6 9 method. Pull out your journal/notepad and write down the same affirmations 6 times. Visualize and feel the money coming towards you. Follow the steps as mentioned previously.

I’d recommend doing this practice before lunch or after your afternoon coffee or tea break. Before lunch is an ideal time because you’re already in an anticipation frequency (of delicious food). It’ll empower your ritual too.

It’ll uplift you making the manifestation more powerful. After you finish writing, don’t forget to forget about it.

Step 4: Affirm nine times in the night.

Before going to bed, write down the affirmations 9 times and visualize as mentioned in the previous steps. You must go to sleep immediately after finishing, so plan accordingly. Don’t pull out your phone, turn on the TV for a late-night binge after the technique. Just write it down 9 times before you go to sleep, lie down and visualize it as you drift off.

Bottom line

Are there limits to what you can create? — Short Answer. No!

Manifesting a 6-figure business with this technique would probably take more than a day, since, for anything worthwhile, it takes time. And also, don’t think about it after completing all the steps.

Don’t make the manifestation greater than you. Do it like a game! It will naturally make the process effortless. Remember, the universe is effortless. Make sure that you affirm, visualize and feel as though you’ve got it. Don’t focus on shifting your frequencies throughout the day. “Effort” commands the universe to manifest more effort. Become effortless by calming your body and mind.