I’m Trapped in Cycles of Emotions. How do I Get Out?

A single complete mental cycle can be a couple of months, weeks, or just a few hours.

You feel something isn’t right, and you know you don’t want to be where you are, but the momentum of the body, mind and your environment keeps manifesting cyclical patterns of thoughts and emotions within you, which you feel like you cannot control. Do you feel like you’ve been here, too?

How to know you’re trapped in a cycle?

When you wake up, does the morning feel new to you? Probably not, because you have already planned what’s coming. At the end of a day, a Monday is a Monday, and a Friday, a FRIDAY, right?

All complex and intelligent entities in the universe that aren’t made to last long by their own nature self-sustain by using these cyclical patterns. Once this cycle is disrupted, the body is no longer able to keep itself together and falls apart.

The seasons, the months, the weeks, and the hours, we fabricate them to keep track of our bodily functions and mental capacity. That’s all! Everyone’s in a cycle, whether or not they know it, is a different question. Our minds are physical entities that need to regulate themselves, correct? Yes.

So, is there no way out of this?

However, there’s an entity within the body, which is limitless. This is called the Anandamaya-kosha.

When the sensation of limitlessness hits your prana, the life within you realizes that it’s eternal. And as a result it relaxes all of its boundaries. If you reach this point, and you’ve not sufficiently trained yourself with discipline, you’ll relax yourself to death.

This quality of limitlessness doesn’t come from the body or mind.

The energy reserve in your body can be expanded, and you can touch the bliss body, which is limitless, and therefore non-cyclical. The science to achieve absolute effortlessness is called Yoga.

The personal-development space needs a revolution.

Currently, there’s barely any community discussing and saying what needs to be said. The spike of illusion and disillusion, both have sprouted from the same seed.

Yes, the woke culture and the norm-followers are just two ends of the same cycle – they lead nobody anywhere. You need a vision before you jump off all the boats, and you need limitless courage to drown yourself in the sea of light.

Unfortunately, words and pep-talks don’t get you to an effortless state. Counter-intuitively, some effort has to be put into disciplining the mind, along with pushing the boundaries of the body.

In our experience, the body is the mind, and the mind is the body. When you feel a sensation on your arm, yes you feel it then and there. But the idea of then and there, and the concept of 3D space is only in respect to the energy form of your body. Sole energy, which manifests as physical, mental and spiritual does not comprise of the entirety of creation. There’s also space, movement and underlying waves/vibrations that even manifest these two, which is called the ultimate consciousness or god head.

Besides understanding the nature of energy, that we see through the 5 senses and experience through our physical body, it is possible to perceive and understand the very nature of movement and the space itself.

All movement in creation from point A to point B is the seed of transformation, and for mental and spiritual transformation, one needs to surrender something. But don’t get the wrong idea that surrendering alone would get you out of the cycles of creation. You are anyway surrendering something, be it through your breath, the release of food that you eat, and through various other forms and ways that the human body transacts with its environment.

The quality of surrendering, also called yagya, has to become selective. What the human mind, intelligence, and the seated soul-being within the body transforms into, depends on the entities/objects that the body decides to transact with.

The four major transactions of the mind happen through food, activity, company, and space. Let’s look at how these four aspects control what we become:

Intervention through food

The world has 3 fundamental qualities, namely, Satoguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna. In respect to the map of human awareness and life-energy spread across the human body, Tamoguna is a force that goes downward and manifests inertness or restlessness in the body (which is important for the body to regulate itself through sleep).

Tamoguna moves the life-energy or prana in the body downward, which means. Eating heavy food, that moves slowly across the body downward contribute to pushing your life energy downward, causing restlessness in the system. This sums up the physical traits of the food.

The qualitative subtle traits of the food comes from the way it develops in nature. Do you know, in ayurveda, every plant that grows on this planet is considered an Aushadhhi (or herb), it’s because of our lack of observation on the plant’s growth pattern, that we don’t understand how we could use it for medicinal purposes.

The way your food grows also reflect upon its quality, and the way it is extracted for food also influences its trait. When you consume the food, it doesn’t suddenly become you. It transitions through several phases of dissolution, and those transition phases also influence you in subtle ways.

As you may already know, the solute always affects the solvent.

Intervention through activity

Your body has gained momentum toward doing certain activities a certain way. The cycles aren’t single faceted. There are several bodily cycles going on at the same time, some complete every day, some take a week, some monthly, and some yearly. Repetition of these cycles make them stronger. You can escape each cycle one by one, once you intervene them with something else. Whether you decide Tamoguni cycle, Rajoguni, or Satoguni, will decide how you think and feel in the future.

You never know what thought and feeling would erupt in your body the next moment. And you have no control over what comes to your mind now. What you can control, however, is what you choose to do now. And what you continue doing on and on, slowly becomes your innate quality. If you keep chanting a single shloka from Geeta continuously throughout the day, that shloka will become your inherent quality. The momentum of cycles can be very strong, as they continue to linger through lifetimes.

What you chant will inevitably pass on to your next life in the form of a seed. So, naturally, the manifestations you see in your mind and your projection of the outside world right now, have come to you from countless past lives in the form of prarabdha.

Intervention through company

Your company decides the way you think and act in the world. With a billion people, there’s a billion ways to think and act in the world. If you look back in retrospect, the culture of a classroom changes with the sections. Kids in section A behave differently than B. Kids that choose a specific seat have a unique culture. With such great specificity, everyone progresses through life with their own prarabhdas that makes them choose these things in life.

You wouldn’t be attracted to certain personalities without a speck of understanding of their mental scape. Something that doesn’t exist in your understanding will never be lit up by your awareness.

You can’t expect to find a ‘normal’, ‘good’, or ‘a certain kind’ of person going to places where you’ve never found them.

The only way to conquer yourself

You cannot conquer your mind. The mind can never conquer itself. It can only catapult from one side to the other, and move back and forth. With such a setup, you can never transform yourself by yourself, unless you do what works. Yoga works.

To transform yourself, you have to surrender yourself. Like a beautiful gold jewel in your hand, and you throw it in the ocean and see it sink into the bottom. Sounds outlandish, but that’s how the human system works. You don’t peddle your hands and swim to the surface, you just relax yourself to nothing. There’s nothing to do, nothing to achieve, and nothing to see. No one’s above, no one’s below. Nobody’s ahead, and nobody’s behind. You’re alone because you actually are.

Unmoving and still like a fallen leaf just existing in the interstellar space. No winds, no light, only sight. The leaf that you see and the leaf that you are.


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