How to Manifest Beauty The Law of Attraction

We Are What We Think: Manifesting Beauty Through the Power of the Mind

Imagine standing in front of a mirror, looking at your reflection. What if I told you that the face staring back at you is not just a product of genetics or chance, but a manifestation of your thoughts and beliefs? As Buddha wisely said, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world.” This profound truth extends to the way we perceive beauty, and yes, it is entirely possible to manifest beauty through the power of the mind.

You might wonder how thoughts can influence something as tangible as physical appearance. Well, consider this: studies have shown that personality disorders don’t just alter behavior—they can lead to dramatic changes in facial features as well. Psychotherapists have observed startling transformations in their patients, including changes in eye color, jawline shape, facial contours, and even the disappearance or reappearance of scars.

Were these individuals possessed? Unlikely. The key to these physical changes lies in the power of belief. By shifting their self-image and changing the way they saw themselves, these individuals were able to manifest a new reality. They altered not only their mindset but also their appearance—proving that the mind is a powerful tool in shaping our external world.

In this article, you’ll learn how to harness the power of your thoughts to manifest beauty and change your appearance. By understanding the connection between your mind and reality, you can create the face and life you desire.

How to manifest beauty: you can even alter your DNA

Still not convinced? Okay! Here’s one of my personal experiences. I’ve seen a person whose facial features totally transformed, and that too well after his 30s. Over a few years span, he began to look exactly like his Guru (who was female). What happened and how did it happen?

It’s not that people don’t know this fact already. Why do you think pregnant women keep beautiful pictures around them? It’s so her child’s form gets influenced by it. When she looks at something she wants her child to be like, her thoughts vibrate in her body and influences the structure of the child to a degree.

From an evolutionary perspective, if the child hadn’t come with an intuitive understanding of the environment its mother lives in, the chances of the child to grow into adult may decrease. This could be one of the reason why this happens.

You might be questioning, whether you should change your appearance or just the way you see yourself (aka your self-image). No, the question isn’t about whether you should or shouldn’t — It is about what’s possible for you.

Hell! If you hid all the mirrors for a week, and perform Surya kriya and other yogic practices early morning every day for 7 days, you’ll see a visible difference in your facial structure.

In addition to yoga, you can use concentration of the mind to change your physical attributes. You can look at this process as a way our body use to adapt to its environment. When you change the environment of your mind, your physical features change as well.

Change takes a level of love, obsession and concentration

Does a tainted image erupt as you think of the word obsession? Isn’t obsession a sign of dependency or desperation?

No! It is a sign of devotion. Moreover, unless you’ve disciplined your mind enough through yoga, devotion is the only tool you can use align your energies and keep them focused on one thing.

If you want to transform and make yourself more beautiful, the boundary between you and your perfect beauty needs to be obliterated. Fall in love with your perfect self and feel it as a living reality.

Create a daily routine where you see yourself in the mirror and look for features that you love.

Manifest beauty by becoming more vibrant

Have you ever noticed that some people are more vibrant than others? Their presence spur the environment and make it more joyful and agitated. Maybe this vibe is curated to their personality and not energy. On the flip side, if you make your ‘energies’ vibrant, you naturally become beautiful.

To make your energies more vibrant, you have to change what you consume through the physical senses, including what you eat. We are what we eat, and we don’t eat just through our mouths, but also our eyes, nose, ears, and skin. Think of your environment as your own body and dress it beautifully, use incense, listen to beautiful melodies that calm your mind and relax your body, and take care of your skin.

Note: If your just stop giving attention to negativity ‘outside’, and explore on the positivity ‘inside’ just for one day, you’ll look much more beautiful the next morning you see yourself in the mirror.

Lotus emerges not from dirt, but the right nourishment

A seed can transform filth into a beautiful lotus – So, there’s no doubt that universe can transform anything effortlessly. Here you have a seed of desire, your thoughts manifest into actions that act as the nourishment, let the universe transform and shape your unique beauty.

About the right nourishment, you must eat foods that lift your energies up and not pull them down. This means you must stay away from processed foods and intoxicating chemicals, and eat raw, quick to digest and high water content foods.

Practical steps you can take right now

To build a clear vision you need yourself to be reminded of what you want throughout the day.

1. Use posters and wallpapers across your room

Do you know why pregnant women keep posters of beautiful people all over the place? It’s because somewhere, subconsciously, they know that this is going to affect their child’s physical and mental structure. You can do this too. The change, however, might not happen as quickly as a growing fetus. It may take a year to see visible changes. You can also spend time with people (or watching them on youtube), who have the characteristics that you intend to manifest in yourself.

2. Envision and write down your ideal self

Start by envisioning the kind of person you want to become, and be specific about the details. What appearance do you aspire to? What color tone, contours, and overall beauty would you like to embody? Take the time to define and write down your ideal persona, focusing on both the physical and personality characteristics.

As you do this, you’ll subconsciously begin to adopt the mindset and routine of the person you’re envisioning. Your thoughts will influence your actions, leading you to dress, eat, and even breathe in ways that align with your desired self. You may notice shifts not only in your thinking but also in your body’s physiological and psychological patterns.

However, don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate changes in your appearance when you look in the mirror. Manifesting beauty takes time, and the last thing you want is to create resistance by doubting the process. Keep your focus on your thoughts and the attraction of the reality you wish to manifest.

3. Act as though you have already become beautiful – because you are

This comes under the list of taking massive action. You need to act as though, you’ve already achieved your ideal beauty. Why? Let me explain.

Our beliefs and mental patterns work on an interesting mathematical model called the Bayes theorem. In simple terms, this suggests, the more references you build that support your belief, the stronger it gets. Eventually, that belief turns into a conviction, as told by Tony Robbins himself.

The bottom line

The speed at which your facial contours change totally depends on your ability to concentrate. However, you don’t want to worry about that, if you are obsessed. Obsession takes a force of its own. And also, because you are reading this, I know that you have that seed of obsession within you. You just have the spur the seed through conscious effort.

Follow the steps I mentioned above, and see the changes you notice with time! And one last thing — Don’t be hasty, because, for anything worthwhile, it takes time and energy.