How to Feel Good When Manifesting

Imagine you’re standing on the edge of a vast, invisible web that connects everything in the universe. Every thought you have sends ripples through this web, drawing towards you the very things you focus on. This is the essence of the law of attraction—the belief that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality. Yet, despite its simplicity, many people struggle to harness this power because they’re trapped in lives that don’t make them happy, making it hard to feel good when manifesting.

Our external circumstances often weigh us down, blocking us from accessing the creative state where true manifestation begins. Vibration, the subtle energy we emit, is crucial in this process. It’s the key to communicating with the universe and bringing your thoughts into reality.

Think of it this way: when you’re feeling good, you’re in tune with the universe, and your vibrations are high. This positive state is like fuel for the creative force within you, propelling you towards the life you desire. However, many of us know so little about our own systems that we don’t realize what’s boosting our vibrations and what’s quietly sabotaging them.

In this post, you’ll discover five powerful methods to keep your vibrations high, ensuring that your thoughts and feelings are aligned with the reality you want to create. And as a special bonus, we’ll introduce you to a book that delves deep into the human system—exploring energy, consciousness, and how you can master manifestation by understanding the principles that govern our inner and outer worlds.

Things to keep in mind before starting

If you understand and live by the following two concepts, your mind will begin to work for you, not against you. When this shift happens, you’ll have the power to choose your emotions—whether happiness, joy, sadness, or anger—regardless of your external environment.

  1. Illusion of Control: Your body doesn’t have a controller behind your eyes making decisions. Instead, your body operates on its own, performing all activities independently. By nature, you are a pure observer. However, because you are the process of observation itself, you cannot observe yourself. The subject (your true self) is pure awareness, and the activity is observation—your soul. In simpler terms, you are a process, not an entity. Everything you see your body do is a result of the thoughts, content, and karma your body engages with in the present moment.
  2. The Science of Yagna: As we continuously move forward in space and time, the only control we have is over the actions we choose to take now. These actions determine how we will feel and think in the future. To change your thoughts, feelings, and vibrations, you must change your current behaviours and practices.

5 ways to feel good when manifesting

1. Do what you love, but it should be guilt-free!

We all have a feel-good point beyond which we believe we don’t deserve it. Due to this limiting belief, we often manifest bad things after manifesting a lot of good things. If you shed light upon this lie, it will vanish. And soon, you’ll notice that you’re feeling better and better day by day!

2. Journal Daily!

Journaling can help release negative emotional patterns and bring superstitions to light. Jot down how you feel, introspect and then write why you feel so. We’ve written an amazing article on self-love journaling, and have also provided worksheets that’ll crystallize self-love in you. It’ll be a great starting point for you!

3. Ask the Right Questions!

Asking the right questions is essential to thinking the right thoughts and feel good when manifesting. Instead of asking whether — I’ll be able to do it or not, ask — what do I want, why do I want it, how will I get it, how will I feel when it manifests, what will I say to my friends and family, how will they react, what will be my next goal, and so on!

These questions will help raise your vibrations, for they’ll make you think the right thoughts.

4. Manifest the Right Things, First!

Many experts say that you must always focus on the end result. Don’t do that! If you see the 1 million in your bank account and you don’t know how it got there — your visualization and emotions will be vague.

Vague emotions bring a lot of arbitrary conditions to your manifestation and lower your frequencies. For example, instead of manifesting money, you’ll manifest an email that asks you to invest in a get rich quick scheme — Red flag! Because you don’t know you are slightly fearful, you’ll manifest red flags here and there. And this is just one example.

5. Micro-manifest!

Create small goals toward your dream. Then visualize everything going as planned. For instance, manifest getting your business name registered successfully, manifest customers and orders from around the world, positive feedback, getting featured on famous blog and so on!

This will define your future emotional state (When manifestation has happened), crystallize them and help you feel good when manifesting.

Final thoughts

Success comes from definite decisions, feel-good visualizations and action. And if you want to master the law of attraction itself, then you’ll need the support of yoga. Yogasana or pranayama: the 8 limbs of yoga, called “ashtanga yoga” gives you a clear pathway toward self-mastery.