Deities, Sacred Fires, Demons & Artifacts: The Process of Manifestation from the Unmanifest

Have you ever eavesdropped on a serious conversation about people’s paranormal experiences? I have, and I’ve heard all kinds of things. You know, the whole ‘stand in front of a mirror at 12 am, say something 11 times, and then wake up the next morning with a scratch on your ass’ thing?

We humans are quite creative with our crafts, as we can fetishize just about anything in the universe — from the grand canyon to the supermassive black hole. No! But we’re not to blame here. It’s the movie directors! A horror movie can not be a horror movie without a little bit of toilets and pillows here and there.

Anyway, we’re not here to complaint about the movies and their ridiculous (or ridiculously good) concepts of evil. We’re going to explore the actual science of life.

Are Ghosts real?

Yes and no. The version you see in movies? Not so much. But beings without physical bodies? Just as real as those with physical bodies.

The existence has three qualities, namely:

  1. Gross: physical
  2. Subtle: non-physical but structurally defined
  3. Causal: non-physical and serving as THE structure (or particular quality) of creation, for example, gravity or desire.

Let’s look at these three as separate dimensions or realms of existence. Each one, has a bandwidth, which means, there are degrees of subtlety or grossness.

For example, our bodies are rigid and clearly visible, so it’s the grossest. While the air that surrounds the body is also gross, but a little subtler than the body. Likewise, our thoughts manifest in the subtle dimension. However, the intelligence, that navigates those thoughts, is even subtler than that.

So, these planes don’t exactly have a fine line that separates them. There are degrees to these dimension, and they transition into one another. You can also say, existence and non-existence aren’t opposites, they are the fringe points of a spectrum. But also, they manifest from the same source which is infinite.

However, the human body has a geometry and memory of millions of years of evolution, so only certain aspects of nature impede or aid our wellbeing. The aspects that aid are called deities, and those that impede are called demons.

Classes of Beings

People in India are aware of only a few, especially in urban areas, people know that there are Bhootas or ghosts (wandering spirits in a limbo state) and pretas (When life exits the physical body, it transitions through Preta-yoni). As the body dies, the energy structure of the person lingers, and slowly wears itself out over the course of 14 days.

If the dying person had reached a certain level of maturity to give up their desires and wishes, they’re able to transition by themselves. If not, they need a ritualistic external aid.

But beyond these two classes of beings, there are many many more. There are Yakshas, Gadharvas, Rakshasas, Brahm-Rakshasas, Vetalas, Kushmandas, Bhairavas, Dakinis, Shakinis, Dakinis that wander through space, devas, devatas, and Gannas. These classes of beings have individual qualities of their own. They can be divine and demonic, both. A person on the spiritual path has to be extremely careful, especially when they’re unguided.

Can These Beings Cause Trouble For a Spiritual Seeker

These beings are especially dangerous for spiritual seekers because seekers are the curious ones. An unguided spiritual seeker is the one who would consciously walk into their domain out of curiosity.

And if you’re anything like me, you’d probably walk right into them, tug at their legs, and pinch their noses—just to see what happens. Bad idea. That’s a great way to bring about immense suffering into your life, as these beings are the kind of troublemakers who can mess you up in ways you can’t fathom with your intelligence. I was unguided, but also evasive with them.

In addition, it’ll not be correct to call them all demons or dangerous. These beings can have divine traits too. For example, the Buddhist culture, which is now mostly tantric, strongly adore the dakinis.

Dakinis are semi-human fierce feminine forms that aid the monk by opening up or channeling their pranic system.

Conceiving These Beings Into Existence

Tantrics, sages and saints have conceived many, and do conceive these beings into existence all the time. Each and every idol in the temples you see in India have been consecrated (imbued with life energy or prana).

To understand consecration, you have to understand prana, which is a vast subject. In short, any material/object that has the ability to hold memory and intelligence can hold prana.

Now, everything in the universe has the ability to hold memory, as well as intelligence (even space!). It is to what extent it can hold, which decides whether the material is good for consecration or not. You can consecrate stones, water, fire, and even the space around you. And you can also consecrate living human beings and make them divine.

When consecrating, the structure and geometry of the object decides how much toll it’d take on the subject. Whether you’re a man or a woman, if you’re using your energy to make a form come to life, then you’re basically conceiving a child.

During the early unguided stages of my spiritual seeking and experimentation, I fabricated a beautiful dakini (my first mistake). I thought I’d first create this being within myself, let her feed off of my energy (second mistake) for a while, and then let her loose. I couldn’t let her loose until much later, until I was saved.

The Science of Conception

It’s getting late, so I’ll wind this up in a jiffy…

From the subtlest to the grossest, the fundamental force behind conception of any being is desire. When you gain some mastery over this force, you’re able to store it, shape it, and direct it wherever you want. When you practice pratyahara, you’re basically storing up this energy. It’s not that easy though because even when you’re bored, you’re desiring some movement, action, and joy, which is wasting this force unnecessarily.

You slowly create a form for this being, cell by cell, limb by limb, over the course of months or even years in your mind, and then you breath the stored up life into that form chakra by chakra. This is the yogic way of consecrating and birthing beings into existence.

Now, there’s a tantric way to conceive beings, which is more ritualistic and outward oriented. Here, you don’t use your own energy to imbue life into the being. The disadvantage of consecrating something through a ritual is that you need to continue doing the rituals to keep that form alive. If you stop doing the needful, that form will begin to recede and start negatively affecting the people who live around the temple.

The disadvantage of fabricating beings through your own life energy is that it takes a toll on you. Especially when you’re trying to deliver something great to the world, you may (or fail to) deliver it, and also lose your life in the process.

That’s all.

PS: This is ‘off the rails’ unfiltered Shubhanshu. It is meant to be read once and forgotten forever!


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